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Everything Has Changed

Matthew 28:1-10 He has risen…  He has risen indeed!  Something happened that first Easter that makes all the difference in the world.  Something happened on that first Easter that brought a new reality into our world.  Something happened that first Easter that had never happened before, and it changed everything.  Join us this Easter Sunday as we explore the resurrection account from Matthew’s Gospel and “see” how everything has changed.

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #4

John 17 This Sunday, we return to John 17 for the fourth and last time. I invite you once again to put your head on Jesus’ heart and listen to Jesus pray… for you. This week, as we come to the end of the prayer, we will begin with verse 24 where Jesus prays, “I desire,” or more literally, “I will.” This is the only place in the Gospel record where Jesus says “I will” to the Father! And, what does he “will”? Join us this Sunday to find out (hint: it will take your breath away!).

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #3

John 17 This Sunday, we return to John 17 for the third of four Sundays. I invite you once again to listen to Jesus, the Son of God, open his heart to God the Father. This week we come to maybe the most astounding desire of Jesus’ heart, our inclusion in the life and love of the Trinitarian God! Jesus prays that we, his given ones, not only be one like the oneness of the Trinity, but that we be one in the oneness of the Trinity. And, as I have said before, you can’t get closer than in! Join us this Sunday as we explore the many facets of being included “in” the life and love of the trinitarian God.

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #2

John 17 This Sunday, we return to John 17 for the second of four Sundays. This is some of the most sacred space in all of the universe as we listen to Jesus, the Son of God, open his heart to God the Father. Here, the incarnate God prays to God! It is indeed sacred space! And, as we did last Sunday, we will once again listen to Jesus pray while asking the question, “What does Jesus desire?” Join us this Sunday as we continue our exploration of this magnificent text.

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #1

John 17 This Sunday, we will enter back into the Gospel of John, in the ever-growing shadow of the cross. We will spend the next four Sundays listening to Jesus pray for us in John 17. This chapter has been given many names through the years from “The High Priestly Prayer” to “The Holy of Holies” to “The Conversation at the Center of the Universe.” Regardless of what we call it, it is this text where we hear the deepest desires of Jesus’ heart, prayed the night before he goes to the cross. This is indeed holy ground. Join us this Sunday as we begin our exploration of this magnificent text.

Temple of Doom or Glory?

Ephesians 2:13-22 Despite the challenges that the church has faced over the centuries, it has survived since its inception on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out on all those who became followers of Jesus. Today there are many challenges that face churches and church leaders. Even though people still seek a spiritual life, they are becoming disillusioned with the church and organized religion. So how can the church overcome these difficulties and continue to be what God intended?

The Household of Christ, Part 2

Colossians 3:18-21 A wise man once said, “Sometimes, love means giving up the right to be right.” Many a spouse has found this to be true in their marriage, but it certainly is true in our relationship with God. Understanding His Word requires that we be willing to rethink what we think it says — to give up the right to be right — and this is perhaps nowhere more true than when it comes to what His Word says concerning wives and to husbands. Come join us on Sunday as we explore what Paul had to say to married couples and how we might apply it today.

The Household of Christ, Part 1

Colossians 3:18-21 In an age when religious leaders only had time for the grown-ups, Christ instructed His disciples: “Let the little children come to Me!” And with that simple command, He taught us what it means to raise our children — and how we grown-ups ought to come to Him as well. The Apostle Paul relayed this teaching to the believers in Colossae; come join us this Sunday as we take a look at what he had to say to the children of God, whatever their age!

The Word of Christ

Colossians 3:15-16 In the classic musical The Sound of Music, newly-installed governess Maria — loosely based on the historical Maria Von Trapp — discovers that her task of teaching those in her care is better accomplished with a little music. Nineteen centuries prior, the Apostle Paul came to the same conclusion, even elevating singing to the level of teaching and admonishing as a means of filling our hearts with the Word of Christ! Join us this Sunday as we take a closer look at this wonderful tool God has given us to hold onto the truth of Christ that sets us free.

The Peace of Christ

Colossians 3:15 In John 17:21, Christ prayed to His Father that His disciples — across the world and throughout time — “may all be one […] that the world may believe that you have sent me.” Christ prayed for unity to be a defining characteristic of the Church, and His Holy Spirit empowers it — but how? Come join us this Sunday as we continue our study of Colossians and practice the unity we have as the Body of Christ during a time of Body Life.

The Love of Christ

Colossians 3:12-14 Forgiveness is a virtue many of us strive for our lives but have difficulty attaining; though we know God has called us to it in Christ, instinct tells us that survival in a world of scarcity cannot afford luxuries like mercy and grace. So how do we overcome this instinct and the competitive, adversarial current of the world and become a forgiving people? Come find out as we continue our study of the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Colossians.

The Freedom of Christ

Colossians 3:5-11 In his 1977 album, “The Rambler”, legendary singer-songwriter Johnny Cash criticized a certain attitude he witnessed in the Church: “You’re shining your light and shine it you should / But you’re so heavenly minded, you’re no earthly good”. Perhaps we understand his point — but is it true? Is it possible to be “so heavenly minded” that we become “no earthly good”? Join us this Sunday as we see how being “heavenly minded” can actually give us the freedom to become who we were always meant to be — and to be truly good for the world.