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The Mission of Christ, Part 1

Colossians 4:3-4 Beloved Christian author Henri Nouwen observed that “most Christian leadership is exercised by people who do not know how to develop healthy, intimate relationships and have opted for power and control instead.” It is a commentary as accurate as it is unfortunate, one made even more tragic by its contrast with the leadership exercised by the Apostle Paul. Paul’s leadership was characterized by a relational vulnerability that invited those he led into his hopes, wants, and needs — but also into his ministry. Join us as we listen in on Paul’s conversation with the Colossian believers and consider how to support our own leaders. Eugene Kwon teaches, Hae-Rin Kwon hosts, and Ben and Lucinda King and Team lead us in worship.

The Awakened Christ

Colossians 4:2 What do you call a running sleepwalker? Fast asleep! Have you ever felt like you were running through your day spiritually fast asleep? Join us this Sunday as we hear the alarm bells ring in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossians.

The Servants of Christ

Colossians 3:22-4:1 We have arrived at the final chapter of the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Colossians — and to our final series of sermons on this letter! Having explained how Christ’s Rule and Return changes the way we view ourselves, participate in the believing community, and relate to those closest to us, Paul turned his attention toward out witness to the world outside the Church. Join us this Sunday as we consider how Christ’s Rule and Return changes the way we engage with the world beginning with our workplaces.

Knowing the Active Presence of God

Exodus 33:1-16 We were made for the active presence of God and to walk in the ways of God, that we might be distinct among all the peoples of the earth. It turns out that the presence of God is perhaps the central motif in all of scripture, and we cannot know the active presence of God in our lives if we are inattentive to the ways of God. The two go together. It is both the active presence and the ways of God that make us distinct from the world around us. So, we should be appropriately “desperate” to know God’s presence. Join us this Sunday as we hear from George Guthrie, professor of New Testament, Regent College (Vancouver, British Columbia).

Bringing Many Sons and Daughters to Glory

The eternal Son, radiance of God’s glory, left the realms of glory to become human. After his death and resurrection he returned to God’s glory, where he is crowned with glory and honor. But God’s desire is to bring many sons and daughters to glory, following the path pioneered by the Son. Many family histories have skeletons in the closet, people who have brought shame rather than honor. Most of us have our own shame. But Jesus is not ashamed to call us his brothers and sisters, or to have us, his younger siblings, tag along behind him. But we do need to keep him in sight.

But We See Jesus

Hebrews 2:5-9 We have just celebrated Good Friday and Easter Sunday, remembering Jesus Christ, “crucified, dead and buried… On the third day he rose again from the dead,” as we confess in the Apostles’ Creed. But there is more: “he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.” We tend to forget Ascension Day, but it is a vital part of the story of Jesus. We return to the Book of Hebrews to consider Jesus, who was made low to be human like us, and subsequently exalted as the one true human into God’s presence.

Everything Has Changed

Matthew 28:1-10 He has risen…  He has risen indeed!  Something happened that first Easter that makes all the difference in the world.  Something happened on that first Easter that brought a new reality into our world.  Something happened that first Easter that had never happened before, and it changed everything.  Join us this Easter Sunday as we explore the resurrection account from Matthew’s Gospel and “see” how everything has changed.

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #4

John 17 This Sunday, we return to John 17 for the fourth and last time. I invite you once again to put your head on Jesus’ heart and listen to Jesus pray… for you. This week, as we come to the end of the prayer, we will begin with verse 24 where Jesus prays, “I desire,” or more literally, “I will.” This is the only place in the Gospel record where Jesus says “I will” to the Father! And, what does he “will”? Join us this Sunday to find out (hint: it will take your breath away!).

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #3

John 17 This Sunday, we return to John 17 for the third of four Sundays. I invite you once again to listen to Jesus, the Son of God, open his heart to God the Father. This week we come to maybe the most astounding desire of Jesus’ heart, our inclusion in the life and love of the Trinitarian God! Jesus prays that we, his given ones, not only be one like the oneness of the Trinity, but that we be one in the oneness of the Trinity. And, as I have said before, you can’t get closer than in! Join us this Sunday as we explore the many facets of being included “in” the life and love of the trinitarian God.

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #2

John 17 This Sunday, we return to John 17 for the second of four Sundays. This is some of the most sacred space in all of the universe as we listen to Jesus, the Son of God, open his heart to God the Father. Here, the incarnate God prays to God! It is indeed sacred space! And, as we did last Sunday, we will once again listen to Jesus pray while asking the question, “What does Jesus desire?” Join us this Sunday as we continue our exploration of this magnificent text.

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #1

John 17 This Sunday, we will enter back into the Gospel of John, in the ever-growing shadow of the cross. We will spend the next four Sundays listening to Jesus pray for us in John 17. This chapter has been given many names through the years from “The High Priestly Prayer” to “The Holy of Holies” to “The Conversation at the Center of the Universe.” Regardless of what we call it, it is this text where we hear the deepest desires of Jesus’ heart, prayed the night before he goes to the cross. This is indeed holy ground. Join us this Sunday as we begin our exploration of this magnificent text.

Temple of Doom or Glory?

Ephesians 2:13-22 Despite the challenges that the church has faced over the centuries, it has survived since its inception on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out on all those who became followers of Jesus. Today there are many challenges that face churches and church leaders. Even though people still seek a spiritual life, they are becoming disillusioned with the church and organized religion. So how can the church overcome these difficulties and continue to be what God intended?