Welcome! Our heart is for PBCC to be a place where kids are known and loved, where they connect with other kids, and where they learn about and experience God’s great love for them. We desire to support and partner with parents!-Christine KoehnChildren’s Pastor Get Connected Sunday Mornings for Kids! We have kids’ classes at the 10:30 service. We start off Sunday mornings worshipping as a church family, then kids are dismissed to their classes before the adult sermon. Classes…
Welcome to our Youth Group! We’re excited you’re here and hope that you’ll get involved so we can get to know you! There are a couple great ways to get connected: – Sunday Mornings During the 10:30 service we gather for a time of teaching together, taking place after being dismissed from the main service. This is a time that we dive into the Word together to learn more about the God we serve! – Trips and Events Check our…
Welcome to PBCC Men’s Ministry Men’s Ministry at PBCC exists to provide a place where men can both come to know Jesus as Lord and also learn how God works in their daily lives as they are transformed through the work of the Spirit. This is done by offering a variety of activities including Bible Studies, Small Groups, and Retreats. Our goal is to see men “grow in wisdom and stature,” and to see this growth manifest itself in the…
Welcome Women! At PBCC, both at large and in Women’s Ministries specifically, we continue to be committed to helping people grow in Christ deeply and share God’s love widely. Generally we grow in maturity and fullness in Christ through the study of His Word, through relationships with others and through serving Him. Women’s small group Bible studies can be a key component in our spiritual transformation, so they’re an integral part of Women’s Ministries. Our small groups are open to…
The Young Couples/Families Ministry at PBCC is for dating, engaged, and married couples (with or without children) in the early years of their relationship. Our desire is to help couples grow in their faith, in their marriage, and develop friendships that last a lifetime. We enjoy gathering for various social activities, and meet occasionally as fellowship group Sunday’s 3:30-5:30 at various locations. We are a loving community that delights in being together, encouraging one another, and sharing the unique joys…
Welcome to Young at Heart. If you would like to meet with people from our church, you’ve come to the right place. We serve a free lunch 4 times a year and have a great time doing so. Our events take place in the Fellowship Hall and are typically limited to 50 people. All you have to do is sign up 1 or 2 weeks prior (there will be a reminder before and after the morning service) so our team…
Art and artists have a place in the life and worship of the Christian community. Our God is a creative God who made physical matter with substance, function, and beauty. He gave man the ability to be creative, honoring Him with the objects of beauty we make. Art that reflects truths about our Lord and our faith in physical form gives us tangible encouragement, helps us focus on and trust in what we cannot see, and allows us to expand…