Sermon Library (Page 30)

Sermon Library (Page 30)

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Make Your Yes, Yes or No, No

Matt 5:33-37 This week, in the 4th “fulfiller”, Jesus takes on speech. At first it seems a bit anticlimactic. But aren’t right-relationships built upon and sustained by words? It turns out that authentic relationships only happen when we say what we mean and mean what we say. This integrity of speech is what causes our righteousness to surpass that of the religious authorities. Come Sunday to discuss how to make your yes, yes or your no, no.

A Guide to Prayer

Eph 3:14-21 How does Paul pray for the church at Ephesus and what can we learn from his prayer? This Sunday David Misson (youth pastor at Peninsula Bible Church Willow Glen) will preach from Ephesians 3:14-21 on finding fullness from God through prayer.

The Protector of Marriage

Matt 5:31-32 This week’s text is a natural follow-on from our study last week as Jesus will once again show that he is the protector of marriage. Divorce painfully breaks relationships and in order to surpass the righteousness of the religious authorities, we need to beware of a hardening heart and learn how to love sacrificially. It’s a love that models Jesus’ love for us when he went to the cross for us. It’s another tough word from Jesus, but remember, he says it because he loves us.

Protecting Holy Longings

Matt 5:27-30 Jesus loves us. He really loves us. And, he tells us what he tells us in the Sermon on the Mount because he loves us and wants the best for us. This week, he protects the covenant of marriage by showing us that true righteousness, righteousness that surpasses that of the religious authorities, requires dealing with those steps that lead up to adultery, namely lust. It’s a tough word from Jesus, but he tells it to us because he loves us.

Quickly Deal With Anger

Matt 5:21-26 What does it look like to live Right-side up in an Upside-down world? Jesus, the relationship protector, will tackle six heavy topics to show concretely what it looks like for our right-relationships to surpass the Scribes. He begins by tackling anger. How are we to tackle anger? Quickly deal with it (key word = quickly).

Surpassing Righteousness

Matt 5:17-20 We enter back into the Sermon on the Mount this Sunday. What does it mean to live Right-side up in an Upside-down world? We see the preacher on the mount say in our text this week that it means that our righteousness must surpass that of the scribes & Pharisees. How can that be? Come Sunday to discuss this shocking statement.

Discipleship Through Relationships

Matt 28:16-20 This Sunday we finish our PBCC Family Values series looking at Discipleship through Relationships. At PBCC, we aim to be a discipling community because in the Great Commission (Matt 28:16-20), Jesus commands his followers to do one thing – make disciples. But, how do we make disciples? And, what is the nature of this discipleship? Join us as we discuss these questions this Sunday.

Participation in God’s Work

Eph 4:11-16 This Sunday we return to our PBCC Family Values series looking at Participation in God’s Work. The concept of God’s Work is easily misunderstood, so what do we at PBCC mean by God’s Work? What do we mean by Participation? And what does it look like for us at PBCC to Participate in God’s Work?

Devoted to the Word

2 Tim 3:14 – 4:4 “Man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.” (Deut 8:3 ESV) Do you realize that there is something more important to our lives than food? The Word of God is our daily bread that nourishes our soul. Through the Scriptures we feed on God’s revealed truths that are indispensable for spiritual life and growth. As we continue our four-week series on key family values this week we turn our attention to the importance of God’s Word and how that shapes who we are at Peninsula Bible Church.

Life in the Spirit

Col 1:15-20 The apostles never grew tired “reminding” their hearers of the essential truths of the gospel that they held dear. To be reminded of the “essential” values of our faith helps us keep the “main thing” the “main thing,” lest we drift, which is so easy to do. It is also helpful to articulate our particular distinctives as a local church to help you connect, serve and worship. During the month of September we will expounding on the values we hold dear at PBCC. The goal is to give us roots and wings, but as the poet Juan Ramón Jiménez writes, “let the wings take root and the roots fly.”

True Freedom: Free to Care

Gal 6:1-10 A freedom that asserts independence and self-sufficiency is not freedom at all. Rather it results in a life turned inward on self that becomes empty. Christ has set us free from a self-focused life (law) to a sacrificial life of loving service towards others (grace). The ability to care for others through the work of the Spirit is the highest form of freedom, to which we have been called (#free2live). As we conclude our studies in Galatians this week, we will examine what love looks like in action, especially in the community of faith.

The Means to Freedom

Gal 5:16-25 Do you at times struggle with feeling “enslaved by religion,” the do’s and don’ts, even though your brain knows you shouldn’t? Surely there must be a different way to Christian living that would yield a life that actually “feels” freeing instead of simply “looking” free on the outside… right? Join us this Sunday as we see Paul’s roadmap to a life of being #free2live!