Sermons by Shawn Reese
Even the ‘Religious’ Need the Gospel, Part 1
Rom 2:1-16
Humanness Lost, Part 2
Rom 1:21-32
Humanness Lost, Part 1
Rom 1:18-20
Not Ashamed of the Gospel
Rom 1:7-17
The Gospel and the Gospelized
Rom 1:1-6
The Gospel For All Seasons
Rom 1:1, Acts 9:1-9
Becoming a Beloved
Acts 2:1-4
The Gloria: The Staggering Good News of Christmas
(Luke 2:1-20) Each year at this time, the tradition for world leaders from all over the world is to provide a Christmas message to their people, a Christmas proclamation. Some do it merely out of duty while others seem to have some conviction behind it. But, as thoughtful as those proclamations typically are, none of them will ever come close to the staggering proclamation made by the angels to the shepherds on that first Christmas. Join us this Sunday as we explore the staggering good news of Christmas.
He Rewrites Our Past
John 21 (ESV) After 3.5 years, we’ve finally come to our last text in the Gospel of John. There is still one piece of unfinished business that John has to wrap up, and it involves Peter and a charcoal fire. As he wraps up Peter’s story, what does John want his readers to really know before they leave his book? Join us this Sunday as we explore this last great text from John’s Gospel.
Mission From His Wounds
John 20:19-23
This week in John, we pick up the narrative on the evening of that first Easter, where ironically, the apostles (ie. “sent ones”) have locked themselves inside a room. And, Jesus appears! He pronounces peace to them, shows them his wounds, and pronounces peace again. He then sends them on mission. Join us this Sunday as we explore what has been called “John’s Great Commission.
The Gardener Indeed!
This week in John, we pick up the narrative midway through the first resurrection appearance on the morning of that first Easter. Loyal Mary Magdalene has stayed at the tomb after Peter and John have gone home. And, what she finds is the gardener, the gardener indeed! Join us this Sunday as we explore what else John wants us to see on that first morning of the whole new world.
The Tomb is Empty!
It is finished … but it has not ended! Jesus died on Friday afternoon after he had said, “It is finished.” Two men, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, take Jesus off the cross, pack his body with spices and lay his body in a new tomb. Jesus is dead and buried on Friday afternoon. But that does not end the story! On Sunday morning, John tells us that Mary Magdalene, Peter and John find Jesus’ tomb empty – except for the grave cloths. Join us this Sunday as we get to explore the meaning of the empty tomb.