Daily Word (Page 6)

Daily Word (Page 6)

Reverse Sheltering-In-Place

In Shawn’s text yesterday, the first two disciples asked Jesus, “Where are you staying?” (in response to Jesus’ question, “What are you seeking?”), which may seem like a strange question but which points to the deeper question of ‘what are we getting ourselves into’. Jesus’ response to them is, “Come and see”. So they ‘come and see’ where Jesus is staying and what do we (as the readers) learn? Absolutely nothing! We don’t get any details about where Jesus is…

Our God Who Restores and Renews

The Bible is full of statements about what God does for His people, it details what can happen in us when we come to Him and seek Him.  Two words that are constantly found within these passages are renew and restore.  Throughout the Psalms, into the Prophets and the New Testament Epistles comes the promise that God renews and restores His people.  In seasons of brokenness and weariness He renews us.  He brings new life, and through the work of…

Journeying with the Lord

Imagine being on a road trip with a couple kids in the backseat. You’re headed to… (insert a destination of your choosing). The kids ask “Are we there yet?” You smile empathetically because you know how the kids feel. To them, the drive seems never-ending. They’re bored or frustrated and they wonder if they’ll ever make it to… (insert destination again). You of course look forward to arriving, but you can also appreciate the ride. You enjoy the scenery, an audio book or music, and…

When God’s Call is “Stay!”

God’s call to Abram in Genesis 12 is “GO!”  Abram is told to leave everything that was familiar – his country, his people, his home and go where God would lead him.   God assured Abram he would bless him so that he would be a blessing to others.  Abram did what God told him to do – he went to Canaan.  And he built an altar to the Lord to worship and commemorate God’s leading and faithfulness.  Abram called upon the name of the Lord.  Abram’s…

The Followers

Last week we heard the witness of John the Baptist. This week, Jesus takes center stage as people begin following him. Jesus’ first words of the Gospel are to these followers, “What are you seeking?” It’s an inviting and searching question. If he were to ask you that today, how would you answer it? The first followers then respond with a question, “Where are you abiding Jesus?” It’s a way of saying, “If we come to you Jesus, what will we find?” And, in this text, Jesus…


We are a people of direction! The Apostle Paul knows where he’s going. And as the people of God, so do we… Upwards! Paul is not saying here that God is the ‘man upstairs’ or ‘the big man in the sky’, as some like to refer to Him. Rather, ‘up’ is a positive direction and the opposite of sinking, drowning, slipping, stumbling and falling. Not only that but this ‘up’ is not dependent on us. It is God who is…

May we be People who Remember

I have found myself needing to remember the truth in this passage this week, I pray it brings you encouragement and hope as well. “May you be strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the…

Devoted to Prayer

Prayer is at the heart of transformation. After Christ ascended, the disciples left the Mount of Olives and went home. What was the first thing they did? They prayed. They gathered and prayed for days. When their lives were radically upended, they knew what to do. They did not rely on their talents, or intelligence, or personal opinions, but on God. And so they prayed, constantly and continuously. They asked for direction, protection, wisdom and help. And, God quickly answered.…

What Will Tomorrow Bring?

Everyone wonders what life will be like in the months to come.  It’s natural to wonder.  How and when will the authorities “re-open” our area?  When will we go back to our workplaces, have celebrations and how many people will be allowed to gather at once?  When will we be able to worship together again on Blaney Avenue?  How will church life be different?  How can we, the people attached to Jesus, reach out with compassion to our community in this time and make Him known?  …

The Witness

This Sunday we will continue our studies in the Gospel of John. After that magnificent prologue, we now enter into the story with the witness of John the Baptist. Throughout John’s Gospel, the concept of witness is very important. In fact one could read the entire Gospel through the “lens” of witness. Jesus is on trial, and many witnesses are called forward to testify to his nature, character, words and actions. By the end of the Gospel, we, the readers, will need to render our…

Going to Heaven on a Preposition

“Stay safe” has become the watchword for our times as we seek to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the pervasive corona virus. Our media, celebrities, and political leaders have been united in the call that we “stay safe” by practicing social distancing, avoiding contact with people who display flu-like symptoms, and being vigilant to wash our hands and clean the surfaces in our homes. I am in total agreement with the call to personal responsibility, but I would like to…