Our God Who Restores and Renews

Our God Who Restores and Renews

The Bible is full of statements about what God does for His people, it details what can happen in us when we come to Him and seek Him.  Two words that are constantly found within these passages are renew and restore.  Throughout the Psalms, into the Prophets and the New Testament Epistles comes the promise that God renews and restores His people.  In seasons of brokenness and weariness He renews us.  He brings new life, and through the work of His Spirit and our knowledge of Him, He draws us out of our old self and into the new.  And as we sometimes drift from Him, because we often choose ourselves and our own way, He restores us to Himself as we repent and turn to Him. He restores us to be a part of His holy people who are credited with His righteousness. 

I find great hope that God is renewing and restoring us in this season and in fact, always.  That He is doing His mighty work to restore us to Himself, to renew us to be like our Creator, to put off the old and put on the new as we come to Him.