Daily Word (Page 4)

Daily Word (Page 4)

The Living Water

This week we come to one of John’s famous passages, where Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well.  She is an outcast, Samaritan and woman.  He is a rabbi (even God), Jew and man.  Throughout their conversation, we find that she is empty, her water pot symbolizing her emptiness.  In the same way she needs to continually fill her water pot with water, she is continually filling her life with relationships that ultimately do not satisfy.  And, what does…

Life behind a Livesteam

Many things go into the production of a Sunday LiveStream service. Most of what is seen is the product of many hours of prayer, communication (on Zoom) and work in front of a video camera. If you have followed the Message from the Pastor’s, you may remember Sharon’s write up on a few things we’ve learned in a short amount of time. The biggest being, that our God is faithful every Sunday to speak to and through His people, a message…

A Message in a Bottle

Many of you may remember the song, “Message in a Bottle” made popular by a band in the 80’s called The Police. It’s a song I’ve sung many times in my past profession as a working musician, so I am familiar with the lyrics. The song is written in a very poetic manner about someone crying out  – “Rescue me before I fall into despair!” In some ways the words remind me of David’s plea in psalm 56. Both writers in…

Don’t Forget the Lessons

Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you. In September of 2007, on a Sunday, I remember sharing in church about how I was doing. I had just gotten back from a long sabbatical where I spent time recuperating from breast cancer treatments. During my interview, I shared a few lessons learned, of which I’ve forgotten many, but there was one that really stuck in my mind. It was, “don’t forget the lessons learned.” Don’t forget the lessons…

Lessons Learned Talking to a Green Light

Hosting Sunday worship services has always been something I enjoy.  Typically, all those involved that Sunday meet on Tuesday morning to plan the service.  We hear the preaching pastor’s main takeaways from the passage and the direction he senses the Lord leading for his sermon.  We choose the Call to Worship, Scripture Reading and Worship Songs and consider what announcements need to be made.  These Tuesday morning meetings were held in the loft, but now happen over Zoom instead. I hosted my first livestream…

Friend of the Bridegroom

After that deeply theological conversation with Nicodemus, Jesus heads back into the Judean wilderness where John is baptizing.  And, we hear John’s last speech in this Gospel.  He joyfully says he is not the bridegroom; he is the friend of the bridegroom.  Jesus, the one from above, is the bridegroom (implying he is God), while those who receive him become his bride (implying a new people of God).  For John, as the friend of the bridegroom, his job was to…

A Voice for the Bankrupt

            With the COVID-19 outbreak devastating our economy, particularly small businesses, one of the hardest hit has been the restaurant industry. It didn’t take long before most restaurants in major cities lost 100% of their business. The devastation became personal to me when I learned what occurred to Marcelus Suciu, one of my spiritual sons in Romania. I first met Marcelus in 1988 when he was a youth, growing up under Ceausescu’s cruel regime. After the revolution Marty Brill had the…

A Pruning

We have the privilege today to hear from a guest contributor.  Rich Harmon, who is an elder at PBCC, has some encouraging thoughts for us today.  Thanks Rich! I have enjoyed the slower pace of life during these weeks of staying at home.  I have especially enjoyed my early mornings on the back patio with God and a cup of coffee, watching the sunrise and the birds wake up with the day. In fact this has become my most cherished…

In-Between Places

“Be still and know that I am God.    I will be exalted among the nations,    I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10 ESV Most of us like things all wrapped up in nice little packages.  We typically don’t like things messy or frayed.  Unfortunately, much of life is spent in awkward spaces where things are not neat and tidy, where we are in-between things.  A few weeks ago, my granddaughter was between crawling and walking.  Soon graduates will be between high school and college…

The New Birth

In this section of John, we are seeing that Jesus is making all things new.  So far, we’ve seen the gathering of a new people of God, the miraculous new wine at a wedding and the promise of a new temple.  In our text this week, we hear of the necessity for a new birth.  Jesus meets one-on-one with a man named Nicodemus who comes to him by night.  Nicodemus is very smart, very good and very religious.  Yet, Jesus…

Going Forward Not Backward

Listening to the elders’ announcement Sunday, preparing us for the difficult and lengthy process involved re-opening church for Sunday services, coupled with Joel’s sermon on Jesus cleansing the temple in John 2, I was reminded of Isaiah’s word to exiles returning home from Babylon in chapters 56-66. How they longed for life to return to what it once was during Solomon’s glory. Imagine their joy after years of waiting, Cyrus’ decree finally came and 50,000 zealous Jews started the long…