The Living Water

The Living Water

This week we come to one of John’s famous passages, where Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well.  She is an outcast, Samaritan and woman.  He is a rabbi (even God), Jew and man.  Throughout their conversation, we find that she is empty, her water pot symbolizing her emptiness.  In the same way she needs to continually fill her water pot with water, she is continually filling her life with relationships that ultimately do not satisfy.  And, what does Jesus do?  He jumps over every single dividing wall between him and her to love her, then offers her living water that will satisfy her deepest thirsts.  “Come and see” this life-giving text via live-stream this Sunday.
At the end of Sunday’s service we will again take communion “together”. I invite you to prepare elements ahead of time which represent the body and blood of Jesus. The elements do not need to be “special.”  Feel free to use whatever you have at home (no need for a special trip to the grocery store). Who may partake? All who give their allegiance to our Lord Jesus Christ and follow him. At the end of the service, please be ready to eat and drink with your families, as we partake as a church family.