Posts by Sharon Coleman

Posts by Sharon Coleman

Why Are You So Afraid?

I never thought I’d be giving thanks for teleconferencing!  Zooming in with some of our Women’s Bible Study small groups has been a huge blessing – seeing and being part of the body of Christ feeding on His Word.  It has truly given me a boost, a much-needed encouragement jolt!  From Mark 3, we were reminded of our job description as Jesus’ disciples:  to be with him, to be sent out to preach and to have authority to cast out demons.  Jesus brought salvation and…

New Wine is for Fresh Wineskins

This week in Women’s Bible Studies, part of our lesson was from Mark 2:18-22.  When Jesus is asked why his disciples do not fast, he explains that the wedding guests don’t fast while the bridegroom is with them.  Jesus is proclaiming he’s the bridegroom and while he’s with the people, it’s not time to fast but to feast and fasting will come when he’s taken away. Then Jesus speaks of patching an old garment with new fabric and how it won’t hold.  Nor…

Cultivating Faithfulness through Prayer

When I hosted a couple Sundays ago, on 8/2, I mentioned my recent road trip and taking scenic routes where I experienced the beauty of God’s creation as well as His presence. These longer, less populated, alternative roads became a metaphor for me of experiencing God’s presence in the midst of the pandemic.  Having a change of scenery is essential for me to realign with God, allow Him to renew my hope and strengthen me with healthy ways of coping.  I’ve only…

Lessons Learned Talking to a Green Light

Hosting Sunday worship services has always been something I enjoy.  Typically, all those involved that Sunday meet on Tuesday morning to plan the service.  We hear the preaching pastor’s main takeaways from the passage and the direction he senses the Lord leading for his sermon.  We choose the Call to Worship, Scripture Reading and Worship Songs and consider what announcements need to be made.  These Tuesday morning meetings were held in the loft, but now happen over Zoom instead. I hosted my first livestream…

In-Between Places

“Be still and know that I am God.    I will be exalted among the nations,    I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10 ESV Most of us like things all wrapped up in nice little packages.  We typically don’t like things messy or frayed.  Unfortunately, much of life is spent in awkward spaces where things are not neat and tidy, where we are in-between things.  A few weeks ago, my granddaughter was between crawling and walking.  Soon graduates will be between high school and college…

Centering on the Lord

Monday was a very windy day and my deodar cedar trees were blowing back and forth like crazy, the way the pandemic blows my thoughts to and fro.  The branches on my trees are flexible, bending dramatically up and down, side to side.  My mind bounces from one thing to another in similar fashion.  Interestingly, despite the trees’ branches waving ferociously, the trees’ trunks stay stable and keep the trees secure.  When my thoughts dart from one thing to another, I know I need…

Good News to Share for All Time

Words and alliteration are two of my favorite things.  During this pandemic we are having what I call COVID Conversations – we discuss what is hard about this time, what is good about it, what God seems to be doing, new things we’re doing and how we’re coping.  We laugh at how we need haircuts and hair color.  Since it seems I won’t be able to hide my gray much longer, I’m delighting in verses about gray hair and how God doesn’t desert…

When God’s Call is “Stay!”

God’s call to Abram in Genesis 12 is “GO!”  Abram is told to leave everything that was familiar – his country, his people, his home and go where God would lead him.   God assured Abram he would bless him so that he would be a blessing to others.  Abram did what God told him to do – he went to Canaan.  And he built an altar to the Lord to worship and commemorate God’s leading and faithfulness.  Abram called upon the name of the Lord.  Abram’s…

What Will Tomorrow Bring?

Everyone wonders what life will be like in the months to come.  It’s natural to wonder.  How and when will the authorities “re-open” our area?  When will we go back to our workplaces, have celebrations and how many people will be allowed to gather at once?  When will we be able to worship together again on Blaney Avenue?  How will church life be different?  How can we, the people attached to Jesus, reach out with compassion to our community in this time and make Him known?  …

A Humbling Shake Up

It’s occurred to me that Noah and his family were the first to shelter in place.  With many women studying Genesis 1-11 this year, we see similarities between Noah and his family being shut in the ark while the waters prevailed and our being shut in our homes as the virus seems to prevail.  But God remembered Noah and God remembers us too.  He told Noah when to disembark and He’ll tell us when we can leave our homes and return to work,…

Ever Pray Backwards?

I usually remember to pray for things or events that I’m anticipating and then once they’re over, I try to remember to give thanks.  However, about eight years ago I was introduced to the Prayer of Examen, an ancient practice that helps me see God’s hand at work in my experiences.  Also called the Examination of Consciousness, this spiritual exercise has helped me learn to notice God ‘s presence in the rearview mirror.  Often before I go to sleep, I pray backwards through…

Faith and Tears

I’m a visual person.  I visualize certain places or things to help me engage with God.  Scripture gives us many images of God.  These days I find comfort in Him as my Great Shepherd, leading me through these uncertain times.  I also think of Him as my Solid Rock, like a super tall granite mountain, the kind where I have to tilt my head and even then, can barely see the top.  Nothing can move that mountain, it’s unshakeable.  That’s how I think of God.  When I’m…
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