Sermons by Bernard Bell (Page 9)

Sermons by Bernard Bell (Page 9)

Embracing the World?

We have been examining the relationships in which we are involved, under the following rubric: In light of who God is, what he has done in Christ, and what he is doing through his Spirit, who we are in relationship to God, to one another, and to the world? We conclude our series today by looking at the third relationship: who are we in relationship to the world? I have entitled this message “Embracing the World?” Note the question mark.…

Embracing One Another

In this in-between time between two major preaching series I am using three weeks to explore the relationships in which we are involved. I am doing so through the vehicle of what I described two weeks ago as my personal mission statement. This serves as the framework for how I think and work. This is the framework for how I seek to grow in my own understanding, for what I am trying to convey when I teach and preach, and…