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The Return of Christ

Colossians 3:1-4 It’s been said that “metaphor is the language of faith” — it’s hard to imagine how could we speak of divine, transcendent realities without using metaphors! But does that mean that everything we read in the Bible is a metaphor? When the Apostle Paul wrote that we “have been raised with Christ”, was that just a metaphor? Or was it a literal promise waiting to be fulfilled? And if it is a literal promise, what difference does that make in our lives? Join us this Sunday as we sort the literal from the metaphor and rediscover another corner piece truth from the Letter to the Colossians.

The Reign of Christ

Colossians 3:1-4 It’s the new year…isn’t it? Or, a few days in, has the newness already worn off? The way life comes at us these days, it wouldn’t be surprising if that were the case for many of us. For many of us, it hasn’t taken long for the “new” year to fill the tables of our lives with puzzles to solve. And the question is: Where do we begin? How do we bring the pieces of our lives together, to make it all fit? Join us this Sunday as we return to the Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Colossians and set our minds on God’s corner piece truths.

Ring Out, Ring In

Isaiah 43:18-19 Advent is a season of God doing new things. Jesus came, Jesus will come, and also Jesus comes to us in the present bring new life. As we enter into a new year we can reflect/pray to be aware of the new things that God might do.

Celebrating Christmas Well

Luke 2:1-12 Merry Christmas! The day is finally here to celebrate our Lord and Savior’s birth! The waiting is over and we can celebrate! But, will we celebrate well? To answer that question, it seems to me that if we explore all the characters on the guest list for that first Christmas, it will help us determine if we will celebrate Christmas well. Join us this Sunday at 10:00 for a time of singing Christmas carols and walking through the Who’s Who of the Christmas story.

Prince of Peace

Isa 9:6 Join us on this final Sunday of Advent as we discover who is our Prince of Peace. We are often at odds with God and the world around us, even ourselves, and we need peace. More than that, we need the one who makes all things right, bringing peace into our lives both now and for all eternity.

Everlasting Father

Isa 9:6 This third Sunday of Advent is Gaudete Sunday, meaning Rejoice! Yet Advent is a season of waiting in anticipation and hope. How do we rejoice while waiting? We consider the third name given to the child that is born, the son that is given: Everlasting Father.

Mighty God

Isa 9:6 In our first week of Advent, we remembered the gift of wisdom God has given us in Jesus — He is truly our “Wonderful Counselor”! This Sunday, we’ll look at another of the names Isaiah gave to the child born to us: “Mighty God”. In Jesus, God has shown Himself mighty over our enemies. But who are our enemies? And how did Jesus fight them for us? Come hear the good news of Jesus’ victory as we look once again at Isaiah 9:6.

Wonderful Counselor

Isa 9:6 Welcome to Advent 2022 at PBCC! Our Advent sermon series this year is titled “What Child Is This?” and will focus on the four names given to the child of Isaiah 9. This week we will focus on the name Wonderful Counselor, by asking the question, where do you go to find wise counsel in your life? However you answer that question, Isaiah promises something better. He promises that a future child will know God so thoroughly and intimately, he will counsel people in God’s wonderful plans and God’s wonderful ways. Join us this Sunday as we kickoff the Advent season.

I Have Overcome!

John 16:29-33 This Sunday we return to the Gospel of John where we find ourselves at the end of the main section of the upper room discourse. Those first disciples will have their worlds turned upside-down in only a few hours, so Jesus wants to encourage them. He tells them that even though they will face hardship, they can be assured that he has – and will – overcome the world. For us today in the midst of hardship, Jesus has overcome, is on the throne of the universe and is coming back one day. So we can have courage to live the Jesus way now, because the future is not up for grabs. Jesus has overcome!

A Good Meal Gone Bad

Luke 10:38-42 How Jesus calls us to allow him to minister to us, to be in a position of replenishing our souls.  Mary and Martha.  Will close as helping people to see this as an invitation from the Lord, not a slap on the hand.

From Sorrow to Joy

John 16:16-28 As we have been walking through the upper room discourse in John, we’ve spent much of our time learning about the Holy Spirit, the one whom Jesus calls the Paraclete. As Jesus brings his discourse to a close, he spends considerable time sharing about two great gifts the Holy Spirit brings: joy and peace. In our text this week, Jesus says that our sorrow will be transformed into joy, and no one will take this joy from us. What incredible words! Where in your life has the Spirit given you joy, maybe even through sorrow or in the midst of sorrow? At the end of our service, we will have a time of Body Life, so we can hear how the Spirit is working in you, the PBCC body, right now.

The Spirit & The World Part 2

John 16:1-15 As we continue our studies in the Upper Room Discourse, this week’s text is a continuation from last week. Jesus re-states his comments about the persecution his disciples will receive from the world simply because they abide in him. And, in the midst of this persecution, Jesus says the Holy Spirit will continue to work by convicting the world and by helping his disciples. Join us as we hear Jesus give more clarification regarding the Spirit and the world.