Past Events (Page 29)

Past Events (Page 29)

Body Life in Mandarin

Body Life in Mandarin

Description:In Room 205 – You are welcome to join a Mandarin-speaking class (as long as you can somewhat understand Mandarin). We have the opportunity to develop our Mandarin “voice” as we share our stories with one another in Mandarin. The class will continue to practice deep koinonia-fellowship with God and with one another, such as sharing one another’s needs and struggles, as well as supporting and praying for each other. Co-led by Joseph Chou and Teng Moh.

Graduation Sunday

Graduates are recognized in Big Church: 5th grade grads are recognized during the 8:30 service 8th grade and 12th grade grads are recognized during the 10:30 service

Senior Banquet

The plan will be to meet and leave from church at 10am.  We will hit up Twin Lakes like usual…you know the drill. Bring a lunch or money for lunch. Then, later in the afternoon we will leave the beach and head to Ryan’s house for the banquet portion.  You should be arriving back at church around 9:30ish that night. If you are busy during the day and can’t do the beach, but can make the banquet portion, that will start around 5pm…

Chorus Magnus

Chorus Magnus combines the choirs of several local churches to create a unique musical experience. In addition to our own choir under the direction of Mary Hamilton, the concert will feature the choirs of Bethel Lutheran Church, Peninsula Bible Church Cupertino, Valley Church, and [Portola] Valley Presbyterian Church. Admission is free. An offering will be taken to benefit West Valley Community Services.

5th Grade Grad Party

5th graders and their families are invited to the Matuk’s to celebrate graduation.  Lunch is provided so please RSVP so we have enough food.

Choir Practice

The choir season is complete at PBCC.  our choir can be seen and heard once more at the 7th Annual Chorus magus Concert on June 3rd at First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View. Last choir practice is May 31st.

Men of Tuesday Lunch

Are you interested in fellowship, prayer, and Bible study in a men’s group? Can’t make mornings or evenings? Then the Men of Tuesday Lunch is for you! We meet at PBCC in Room 101 every Tuesday from Noon to 1:00pm to share lunch, fellowship, and pray for each other. We welcome you to join us. For more information, please contact Jerry Tu.

Men’s Bible Studies

Men of Tuesday mornings/evenings at PBCC (several groups): If you are a man and want to be encouraged to follow Jesus through study of Scripture and grace-filled fellowship, join one of our Men’s Bible Studies. We meet on Tuesday mornings and evenings, beginning on September 12th. We will be studying the Gospel of Mark this year and ‘The Way of Discipleship’.  Contact Larry Brown for more info.

Psalms Class

Finding Your Voice and God’s Heart in the Psalms Tuesday evenings 7:00—8:45 pm in Fellowship Hall Spring Quarter: —June 12, 2018 Led by Brian Morgan and friends Join us for an evening of worship, prayer, teaching, and poetry as we continue our pilgrimage through the book of Psalms. Last year we began our journey in Psalm 1 and ended with Psalm 24. Each week was filled with delight and wonder as we discovered fresh insights from the Psalms, new voices emerging…

Men’s Bible Studies

Men of Tuesday mornings/evenings at PBCC (several groups): If you are a man and want to be encouraged to follow Jesus through study of Scripture and grace-filled fellowship, join one of our Men’s Bible Studies. We meet on Tuesday mornings and evenings, beginning on September 12th and ending May 22nd 2018. We will be studying the Gospel of Mark this year and ‘The Way of Discipleship’.   See Larry Brown for more info.

Liberia Memories

We have returned from Liberia and really appreciate the support and prayers from you, our church family. Thank you! We would like to show you our appreciation and share how we saw God work during our trip at our memories night on May 20, 6:30-8pm, in Fellowship Hall.  A light dessert will be served.