Past Events (Page 25)

Past Events (Page 25)


Down to Earth Spirituality: The Life of Jacob

Encountering God in ALL the Seasons of Life  Wednesday nights 7:00 – 8:30 pm PBCC Fellowship Hall In this class we will trace through the life of the patriarch Jacob from conception unto death.  As Paul Stevens writes,  “As we travel through all the stages of Jacob’s life we discover that God is with Jacob in every aspect of his journey…the amazing thing about this God is that he condescends to come right into the midst our mundane, messy worlds…

King City Memory Night

God did so many different things over the course of our trainings and the week itself.  We would love to have you join us as we will sing some songs, watch a recap slide show, and hear a few stories from the week as well!  It would be great to have a large representation of our church family join us as we celebrate the work of the Lord!!

The Girls’ Club

Cup Cake Decorating K-5th Grade Girls and their Moms are invited to The Girls’ Club for Cup Cake Decorating!!We will learn to color frosting, fill piping bags with frosting, and use 3 decorative frosting tips. (Moms are welcome to bring their own frosting tips.) On the last class, everyone can put their decorations from the previous classes on cupcakes and we will have a tea party. Wear a favorite dress!Come as many Sundays as you can; this is a multi-week…

Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk… Sunday April 7 at 10:30 in the Fellowship hall! Moms with a child in preschool or younger, there will be space for you to connect and to be reminded you’re not alone, not to mention morning snacks and coffee!

Winter Sunday School Classes

Winter Quarter:  January 6th – March 31st. [vtftable cols=”{0}0-2:8e7cc3;{/}” fols=”{0}0-2:ffffff;{/}{1}0:000000;{/}” st=”man;h:22;t:4;r:4;b:4;l:8;w:100;bc:554A75;bt:2;”] {f1}Class;;;{f21}8:30 in Room;;;{f21}10:30 in Room;nn; Infants & Toddlers;;;{f20}105;;;{f20}105;nn; 2.5s-3s;;;{f20}101;;;{f20}102;nn; Pre-K;;;{f20}101;;;{f20}101;nn; K-2nd Grade;;;{f20}201;;;{f20}201;nn; 3rd & 4th Grade;;;{f20}205;;;{f20}205;nn; 5th Grade;;;{f20}The Library;;;{f20}205;nn; [/vtftable]    

High School Game Night

Game Night at Luke’s. We’ll play games, hang out and eat of course. Bring your favorite board game and friends! Food details coming soon! RSVP below:

Young at Heart Spring Dinner

Sign up between services on Sundays, March 17th & 24th. Whether you’re new at PBCC or have been coming here for many years, this is an opportunity to get together and enjoy a home cooked meal for just $7 per person (including dessert!). It’s our version of Happy Hour.We meet 4 to 5 times a year in the Fellowship Hall. After you are served dinner just sit back and relax, meet new or old friends and watch a program that is “I M…

Help! The Kids Are More in Control Than I Am!

“Help!  The kids are more in control than I am!”  Janie Sacks, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, offers practical tools for Parenting with Love and Logic and more.  Please join us Sunday, March 24th at 10:30am in the Fellowship Hall.

Help! My Child Has Anxiety!

“Help!  My child has anxiety!”  taught by Janie Sacks, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.  Janie offers practical tools to help parents wondering what to do when their child has anxiety.  Please join us Sunday, March 17th at 10:30 in the Fellowship Hall.

Parents’ Night Out

Calling stressed out parents! Enjoy a night out with your spouse or just an evening to yourself while we entertain your kids with music, crafts, Christian stories, snacks and more. Child-care is free of charge. Our volunteers have been background-checked and love kids. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? We believe that strong marriages lead to strong families, and marriages need to be cultivated. We recognize that parenting is difficult (even more so for single parents) and sometimes you just need…

Elder Q & A

Our next Elder Q and A will be held in Fellowship Hall between services on January 20. If you have topics or questions that you would like the elders to address, please send them to by January 18. The elders will address as many questions as time allows.

Young at Heart Winter Dinner

Our next Dinner will be Friday, January 18th. Sign up at the table between services on Sundays,  January 6th and 13th. We like good food, music, meeting new people and making friends.  We’ll enjoy a meal together and have a short program that is inspirational, educational and entertaining. Our next gathering will be in January.  Please check back for more details soon. Don’t miss this great opportunity to spend a couple of hours with friends.  Our friendly team loves to…