Events Calendar

Events Calendar


06/28/2024 – 06/30/2024

High School Lake Trip

Join us on June 28-30 for a couple days away!  We’ll be hanging out at Pine Mountain Lake and boating at Don Pedro and it should be a a great time!  Cost for the trip is $150, but scholarships are available.  We’re really looking forward to a couple days away to hang together and build community, we hope you’ll be there! If you have any questions, feel free to email Becca.  Registration closes June 16th.

Church-Wide Prayer Meeting

Come join us to seek Jesus with all our heart! Join us to pray for our church, for one another, friends, neighbors, and our country. Church-wide prayer meetings held at 7:00-8:15 am on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, in Room 104. 

Sunday AM Prayer

The Sunday AM Prayer Team is an extremely important ministry and a wonderful opportunity to come alongside those that request prayer and need encouragement. No experience needed except the desire to love others.  8:30am (in-person room 104 and Zoom). Contact Kathy Young with any questions or for the zoom link.

Body Life in Mandarin

You are welcome to join a Mandarin-speaking class (as long as you can somewhat understand Mandarin). We have the opportunity to develop our Mandarin “voice” as we share our stories with one another in Mandarin. The class will continue to practice deep koinonia-fellowship with God and with one another, such as sharing one another’s needs and struggles, as well as supporting and praying for each other. Co-led by David Wang, Joseph Chou and Teng Moh.   We are now both…