Worship Guide

Worship Guide

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Music: James Garcia and Team
Host: Allan Jiang
Message: Eugene Kwon

Under the Plant
Jonah 4:1-11

We gather in worship to remind ourselves who God is, what he has done in Christ and what he is doing through his Spirit. Our desire is to praise God and receive afresh his Spirit in us, to affirm that we are family reconciled one to another and to be empowered to reach out to the world.

Tithes and Offering
Praises & Prayer Requests

Please pray for…

  1. God to open and keep open Salinas Valley State Prison to volunteers who teach Bible classes.
  2. me for the “new job” stress and challenges. Pray that my gastrointestinal issues and insomnia will resolve. Please pray for my coworker who is being unkind toward me.
Financial Report
General FundReceivedDisbursedGain/(Loss)
April 2024$90,743$174,132($83,389)
12-month average $163,645$173,500($ 9,855)