Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount

Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5:1-10

Now that we have finished our Judges study, what were the judges lacking? In general, they were lacking character. The judges had charisma, but no character.  This Sunday we will kick off a new series we’re calling ‘Living Right-Side Up in an Upside-Down World’ in which we will study The Sermon on the Mount. In this famous sermon, Jesus describes for us what his kingdom life is all about, and it all begins with character.  What kind of character do the people of God have? Jesus tells us in the Beatitudes, some of the most famous sayings ever uttered. Some might think Hallmark came up with them, but no, Jesus said them.  And, he said them to bring us life!  Meditate over them this week and decide which one is your favorite, and which one is the most challenging for you.