Sermons by Shawn Reese (Page 3)

Sermons by Shawn Reese (Page 3)

The Spirit & The World Part 2

John 16:1-15 As we continue our studies in the Upper Room Discourse, this week’s text is a continuation from last week. Jesus re-states his comments about the persecution his disciples will receive from the world simply because they abide in him. And, in the midst of this persecution, Jesus says the Holy Spirit will continue to work by convicting the world and by helping his disciples. Join us as we hear Jesus give more clarification regarding the Spirit and the world.

The Spirit & The World Part 1

John 15:17-27 Here in the west, we mostly live to be comfortable. In this week’s text from the upper room discourse, we find Jesus describing life along his way as anything but comfortable. In fact, he says that life along his way will be characterized by being hated and being persecuted. So, how will we make it along his way? With the help of the blessed paraclete. Join us this Sunday as we return to more teaching about our friend, the paraclete.

I Am the Vine

John 15:1-11 We will continue our studies in the Gospel of John this Sunday, where we will explore a text that sits at the very center of our faith. Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit.” It’s impossible to overstate the importance of this text for understanding the nature of our faith. Join us on Sunday as we discover what it means to be in Jesus, what it means to abide and what it means to bear fruit. And, we will have a dramatic recitation of this wonderful text by Jeremy Jones.

Life in the Spirit

John 14:25-31 This Sunday, we return to the Gospel of John where Jesus will teach us more about the Holy Spirit. Here at PBCC, one of our family values is “Life in the Spirit.” On our website, we say the Spirit “is who connects us to Jesus, enables us to know him and empowers us to make him known.” After exploring this text, we may need to re-word that description because the Spirit is doing much more than what we have listed there. Join us Sunday as we learn more about the ministry and effect of the Holy Spirit.

A Friend For The Jesus Way

John 14:15-24 Join us this Sunday, as I share with you about a friend of mine. We have been friends for a few decades now. I try to make time for my friend on a regular basis, and when I do, my friend provides strength and joy and peace and wisdom and comfort to me. The really great thing about this friend is he is always with me and never leaves me. I am of course speaking about the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. He is the friend we have with us on the Jesus Way.

Life Along the Jesus Way

John 14:6-14 Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life, the only way to the Father. I invite you to follow me on my way. I invite you to do life the way I do life, because the way I do life is truth and is life.” So, what can we expect if we choose to follow Jesus on his way? What can we expect along His way to the Father? Join us this Sunday as we explore Jesus’ initial words for what life looks like along his way.

We Mourn

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matt 5:4; John 11 Please join us this Sunday as the pastoral staff has decided to do a lament service in light of the recent tragedies.

The Way, The Truth and The Life

John 14:4-6 We return to our studies in the Gospel of John this Sunday where Jesus makes maybe his most audacious claim yet. He says he is the way, the truth and the life. Notice he doesn’t say he is a way, a truth and a life. He says he is the way, the truth and the life.” He even says he is the only way to the Father. These are indeed enormous claims! Join us this Sunday as we explore these bold claims.

Preparing for the Wedding

John 14:1-3 We continue our studies in the Gospel of John this Sunday in the upper room where love continues to be the central theme. From the words of institution celebrating the love revealed at the cross, to the washing of feet celebrating the love of service, to the new commandment celebrating the “just as Jesus” kind of love, this week we will celebrate the love of marriage. Specifically, we will celebrate the deep love of Jesus, the bridegroom, for the church, his bride. Jesus will go to prepare a place in his Father’s house, and when he is ready, he will come back and take his bride to be with him where he is. Join us this Sunday as we explore some of the most wonderful promises in all of Scripture.

Love Just as I Love

John 13:21-38 As we enter back into John 13 this week, we join the disciples in an upper room in downtown Jerusalem on the night before Jesus goes to the cross. Jesus astonishingly begins this final teaching by serving his disciples in the act of washing their feet. Next, Jesus will explain this act even more, but framed in the language of love, and not just any kind of love, a “just as” kind of love. What is even more astonishing is that this teaching happens in the context of heart-wrenching rejection. Join us this Sunday as we explore this “just as” kind of love.

People of the Towel

John 13:1-20 We return to our studies in the Gospel of John this Sunday, a Gospel that invites us to Come and See who Jesus really is. Our text this week is the well-known text of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. Would it be even more well-known, because it is in this scene where Jesus turns everything upside-down. He defines Lordship (even deity!) in terms of a towel, then defines what it means to be people of the towel. Join us this Sunday as we explore the foot-washing event by the foot-washing Lord.