Sermons by Shawn Reese (Page 2)

Sermons by Shawn Reese (Page 2)

Politics on Trial

John 18:28-19:16 We return to the Gospel of John this week as Jesus is brought before Pilate. As we said three weeks ago, when Jesus was before the religious authorities, He wasn’t the one on trial, they were. And, at the very same time, Peter, representing the disciples, was on trial as he stood around a charcoal fire. In the text this week, even though Jesus is in the dock, Pilate is the one on trial. How will he respond to the great I AM standing before him? Join us this Sunday as we seek to learn from Pilate’s response.

Religion on Trial

“You also are not one of this man’s disciples, are you?” This question is posed to Peter, the lead disciple, outside while Jesus is being interrogated inside. Only a few hours earlier in the upper room, Peter had proudly declared to Jesus, “I will follow you anywhere. I will even lay down my life for you.” And, now, a few hours later just before the rooster crows, “You also are not one of this man’s disciples, are you?” Peter answers, “I am not.” All four Gospels contain Peter’s failure. And why? Join us this Sunday as we seek to learn from Peter’s failure.

They Arrested God

John 18:1-12 This Sunday we return to our studies in John within the series I’ve called Come and See. Back in the spring, we ended with Jesus’ great prayer in chapter 17 where he says, “Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son, that the Son may glorify you” (John 17:1). In other words, now is the time for glory. Glory means the revelation of what someone is like. This fall, we will see the supreme revelation of what the living God is like. We will behold His glory. And, it all begins in a garden. Join us this Sunday as we come and see the arrest of God.

Everything Has Changed

Matthew 28:1-10 He has risen…  He has risen indeed!  Something happened that first Easter that makes all the difference in the world.  Something happened on that first Easter that brought a new reality into our world.  Something happened that first Easter that had never happened before, and it changed everything.  Join us this Easter Sunday as we explore the resurrection account from Matthew’s Gospel and “see” how everything has changed.

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #4

John 17 This Sunday, we return to John 17 for the fourth and last time. I invite you once again to put your head on Jesus’ heart and listen to Jesus pray… for you. This week, as we come to the end of the prayer, we will begin with verse 24 where Jesus prays, “I desire,” or more literally, “I will.” This is the only place in the Gospel record where Jesus says “I will” to the Father! And, what does he “will”? Join us this Sunday to find out (hint: it will take your breath away!).

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #3

John 17 This Sunday, we return to John 17 for the third of four Sundays. I invite you once again to listen to Jesus, the Son of God, open his heart to God the Father. This week we come to maybe the most astounding desire of Jesus’ heart, our inclusion in the life and love of the Trinitarian God! Jesus prays that we, his given ones, not only be one like the oneness of the Trinity, but that we be one in the oneness of the Trinity. And, as I have said before, you can’t get closer than in! Join us this Sunday as we explore the many facets of being included “in” the life and love of the trinitarian God.

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #2

John 17 This Sunday, we return to John 17 for the second of four Sundays. This is some of the most sacred space in all of the universe as we listen to Jesus, the Son of God, open his heart to God the Father. Here, the incarnate God prays to God! It is indeed sacred space! And, as we did last Sunday, we will once again listen to Jesus pray while asking the question, “What does Jesus desire?” Join us this Sunday as we continue our exploration of this magnificent text.

Listening to Jesus Pray For Us #1

John 17 This Sunday, we will enter back into the Gospel of John, in the ever-growing shadow of the cross. We will spend the next four Sundays listening to Jesus pray for us in John 17. This chapter has been given many names through the years from “The High Priestly Prayer” to “The Holy of Holies” to “The Conversation at the Center of the Universe.” Regardless of what we call it, it is this text where we hear the deepest desires of Jesus’ heart, prayed the night before he goes to the cross. This is indeed holy ground. Join us this Sunday as we begin our exploration of this magnificent text.

Celebrating Christmas Well

Luke 2:1-12 Merry Christmas! The day is finally here to celebrate our Lord and Savior’s birth! The waiting is over and we can celebrate! But, will we celebrate well? To answer that question, it seems to me that if we explore all the characters on the guest list for that first Christmas, it will help us determine if we will celebrate Christmas well. Join us this Sunday at 10:00 for a time of singing Christmas carols and walking through the Who’s Who of the Christmas story.

Wonderful Counselor

Isa 9:6 Welcome to Advent 2022 at PBCC! Our Advent sermon series this year is titled “What Child Is This?” and will focus on the four names given to the child of Isaiah 9. This week we will focus on the name Wonderful Counselor, by asking the question, where do you go to find wise counsel in your life? However you answer that question, Isaiah promises something better. He promises that a future child will know God so thoroughly and intimately, he will counsel people in God’s wonderful plans and God’s wonderful ways. Join us this Sunday as we kickoff the Advent season.

I Have Overcome!

John 16:29-33 This Sunday we return to the Gospel of John where we find ourselves at the end of the main section of the upper room discourse. Those first disciples will have their worlds turned upside-down in only a few hours, so Jesus wants to encourage them. He tells them that even though they will face hardship, they can be assured that he has – and will – overcome the world. For us today in the midst of hardship, Jesus has overcome, is on the throne of the universe and is coming back one day. So we can have courage to live the Jesus way now, because the future is not up for grabs. Jesus has overcome!

From Sorrow to Joy

John 16:16-28 As we have been walking through the upper room discourse in John, we’ve spent much of our time learning about the Holy Spirit, the one whom Jesus calls the Paraclete. As Jesus brings his discourse to a close, he spends considerable time sharing about two great gifts the Holy Spirit brings: joy and peace. In our text this week, Jesus says that our sorrow will be transformed into joy, and no one will take this joy from us. What incredible words! Where in your life has the Spirit given you joy, maybe even through sorrow or in the midst of sorrow? At the end of our service, we will have a time of Body Life, so we can hear how the Spirit is working in you, the PBCC body, right now.