Sermons by Eugene Kwon

Sermons by Eugene Kwon

Participation in God’s Work

We’ve spent four out of the first five Sundays of 2024 planting our feet in our PBCC Family Values, the commitments we believe in and hold ourselves to as followers of Jesus Christ. We have one more left to explore: “Participation in God’s Work”. Join us as we reflect on how participating in God’s work might just win us the favor of the world.

Life in the Spirit through Grace

On the day of Pentecost, the Apostles received the Holy Spirit and were empowered by Him to be Christ’s witnesses to the ends of the earth. The evidence of this empowerment was the miraculous gift of tongues: The Apostles began speaking in all kinds of languages. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit among those who believed the Apostles’ message was no less miraculous: They began to love one another. Join us as we continue our series on the PBCC Family Values and reflect on what it means to live in the Spirit through grace.

Discipleship through Relationships

When Fred Rogers of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” fame accepted a lifetime achievement award in 1997, he used his time in the spotlight to redirect it onto the people in his life and in the lives of everyone in attendance who helped them become who they are. “All of us have special ones who have loved us into being,” Rogers said. “Would you just take along with me 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are […]?” No person is an island — a universal truth, but one especially applicable when it comes to being a Christian. Join us as we resume our series on the PBCC Family Values with a reflection on our commitment to “Discipleship through Relationships”.

Devotion to the Word

Having planted our feet in our mission of “Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known”, we turn now to the primary way we receive this knowledge: Devotion to the Word. Many churches claim to be devoted to the Word of God — our own middle (ish) name is ‘Bible’ — but what does this look like in practice? How do we bring our whole selves in devotion to the Word of God? Join us for the second installment of our series on our PBCC Family Values!

Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known

Sunday, January 7, 2024 Music: Kevin Patao and TeamHost: Becca SingleyMessage: Eugene Kwon “Knowing Jesus & Making Him Known”Selected Texts from Acts 2:1-41 Announcements Every Sunday: Sunday AM Prayer Meeting 8:30amEvery Sunday: Body Life in Mandarin 10:30amEvery 2nd/4th Sunday: Church-Wide Prayer 7amEvery Wednesday: Intercessory Prayer 6:30am (Zoom)Jan 7th: Life Together: “What is the Gospel?” Second ServiceJan 26th-Jan 28th: Women’s Retreat Call to Worship: Psalm 9:1-2, 13:5-6  (NIV) 9:1     I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart;             I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.2        I will be glad and rejoice in you;             I…

“Waiting is Not Easy!”

(Luke 2:22-38) Lord, have mercy on those who make us wait! In a world where speed and efficiency are honored as cardinal virtues and the equation of time with money is undisputed, being made to wait borders on sin. Yet the Christian life is fundamentally defined by a willingness to wait for the coming of God and the fulfillment of His promises! How do we wait when we’ve been trained to do anything but? Join us this Sunday — both the final Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve — for our final installment of our Advent Series, “The Great Reversal”.

The Church of Christ

Colossians 4:7-18 “Never before, in the history of humanity, had a more diverse group of people gathered and been welcomed, loved, and accepted than the early Christian church.” This quote comes from a recent episode of frequent Christianity Today contributor Russell Moore’s podcast. Who said it? The answer may surprise you! Join us this Sunday for our final sermon in our series on Colossians; find out who spoke these words about the early Christian church and how they can become true of the modern Christian church as well.

The Mission of Christ, Part 2

Colossians 4:5-6 Before He ascended to the Right Hand of God, Christ promised His disciples: “In a few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. […] You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses” (Acts 1:5, 8). This promise was fulfilled ten days later — the fiftieth after Easter — on the day we now call Pentecost. Join us this Sunday as we commemorate the outpouring of the Spirit — and consider how the Spirit is empowering us to be Christ’s witnesses, too!