Visual Arts Ministry

Visual Arts Ministry

Art and artists have a place in the life and worship of the Christian community.  Our God is a creative God who made physical matter with substance, function, and beauty.  He gave man the ability to be creative, honoring Him with the objects of beauty we make.  Art that reflects truths about our Lord and our faith in physical form, gives us tangible encouragement, helps us focus on and trust in what we cannot see, and allows us to expand on our understanding of Biblical truth.

The Visual Arts Ministry seeks to develop a community within PBCC of folks who make and/or care about the visual arts, and, through that community to bring the visual arts into the life and worship of the whole PBCC Body.

If you wish to receive the monthly Visual Arts Ministry newsletter, please contact Marilyn and indicate your desire to be placed on the VAM email list.

Upcoming VAM Events

Art in the Auditorium

CALL FOR ART:  The Good News, An Exhibit for the 2024 Advent & Christmas Season

“The angel said, ‘I bring you Good News…Today a savior has been born; he is the Messiah, the Lord.’”  Luke 2:10-11

Advent season prepares us to celebrate the birth of the Savior for all mankind, the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Good News, or Gospel, says that Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection made salvation and freedom from sin and its condemnation available to everyone who believes in Him.  The entire Bible proclaims this message, answering the questions, “What is the Gospel?” and “How does it affect people’s lives?” For this year’s Advent/Christmas Exhibit, PBCC adults and children are invited to create and submit art that addresses these questions.

Read or download A Call for Art to see details about this exhibit and a detailed discussion of the theme. Print and mail the Artists Agreement to Marilyn (address listed in the Call) or The Artist Agreement can be filled out online.


Portraits by Nancy Woodward  

Out of His Heart Will Flow Rivers of Living Water, Liquid Acrylic Flow Paintings by Tanya Khachiyan

Where to Find Organizations and Artists who Address Art & Christianity
Where to See Art Locally and Online


NEXT SCHEDULED WORKSHOP: The date and time for the next workshop is yet to be announced.


April 2020 Workshop – The Passion of Jesus in Art: An Illustrated Talk by Bernard Bell:  Slides of the Artwork Discussed, Handout, Video of the Presentation

July 2020 Workshop – Sea Glass Wind Chime:  Introduction and 4-Part Demonstration Videos 

August 2020 Workshop – Collage with a Message:   2-Part Demonstration Videos 

Workshops & Classes Offered Online by Other Sources

Where to Find Art & Craft Supplies

Visual Arts Fellowship 

The Visual Arts Fellowship is a group of folks interested in the Visual Arts who gather in a casual setting, encouraging and supporting one another as they endeavor to weave together their interests in art and their Christian faith.  A focus of each meeting is enjoying and discussing the work brought by the artists and craftspeople present.  

The  date and time of the next gathering: TBA

For more information, contact Nancy.

Contact Us 

Marilyn de Kleer                       Contact: Marilyn
Nancy Woodward                    Contact: Nancy


 The VAM Leadership Team is looking for a new Workshop Coordinator.

If you wish to receive the monthly Visual Arts Ministry newsletter, please contact Marilyn and indicate your desire to be put on the VAM email list.