Life behind a Livesteam

Life behind a Livesteam

Many things go into the production of a Sunday LiveStream service. Most of what is seen is the product of many hours of prayer, communication (on Zoom) and work in front of a video camera. If you have followed the Message from the Pastor’s, you may remember Sharon’s write up on a few things we’ve learned in a short amount of time. The biggest being, that our God is faithful every Sunday to speak to and through His people, a message of hope.
I recently heard someone compare LiveStreaming to the Yule video fireplace log, it’s a fire with no warmth. In my humble opinion, our services are in no way near that description.
Here are the reasons I feel this way. When we needed a video director/producer/editor, Ray our facilities manager/drummer said … I can do that! When we needed slide and tech support, facilities and office people said … we can do that! When we needed actors and musicians for our children’s ministry, Bunnie, Lisa and Christine said … we can do that! When we needed guidance for the safety and well being of  our community, our Elders said … we can do that! When we needed music in video formats, our musicians said …we can do that! When we needed to chat online before a service, our youth pastors said … we can do that! When we needed preachers to preach to a green light, they all said … we can do that!
Our  church family will do what we need to do until we can be together in person again. It may not always be perfect, but it’s done out of love, plus it doesn’t need to be perfect. The warmth of the fire we feel is the Holy Spirit within us, and our hearts have been woven together as a result of this, and there is nothing that can change that.
So until we can meet again, here are a few links of us at our best and not so best moments of life behind a LiveStream.