Sitting in on Holy Moments 

Sitting in on Holy Moments 

For a musician, the term “sitting in” refers to playing on stage with a group of musicians you don’t usually play with. Depending on your mind’s focus the experience can be very rewarding or very stressful. 

As we shelter in place, it wouldn’t be a far stretch to say that we all have been “sitting in” with new situations. The familiar people we normally spend most of our day with has changed, some more drastic than others. 

This was never more apparent for me than when I began leading worship and streaming videos from my music room at home. The team of musicians and tech people I normally serve with have been replaced with my wife “sitting in” as my music support while we are both sheltering in place. She runs my camera, helps with setup, sound, music prep and prays with me before services.

We have wept together over song lyrics, laughed together at my many outtakes during rehearsals and shared things together that are normally exclusive to the musicians I serve with on worship teams. 

We in the music community at church acknowledge these times of weeping, laughing and sharing together as Holy moments, all found behind the scenes during rehearsals and after services.  Holy moments that are not normally visible to everyone.

In my prayer time this morning, my minds focus was on the new things the Lord is doing. My prayer is that in our slowing down, we would take notice of who we are “sitting in” with today. May the Lord lead us to acknowledge with grateful hearts these times as Holy moments.

Philippians 4:8-9 tells us – brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Holy moments are subtle, and like the voice of the Lord they can even be as faint as a whisper. The moments are there, we just need to look, acknowledge and most importantly think on them.

The promise to us when we do this, is that our God of peace will be with us “sitting in” on every Holy moment.

Knowing God
Lifted Up