

We are a praying church

Prayer is what we are made to do.  Humans have been designed by their creator to pray.  Why?  First of all, prayer nurtures and cultivates our relationship with our creator, the tri-une God.  The spiritual disciplines, which includes prayer, are done for the sake of love, nurturing a life of intimacy with the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit.  Secondly, prayer turns the world right-side up.  The world changes when we pray because we are taking ourselves and those for whom we pray to the throne of grace.  And, thirdly, we become more human when we pray.  Consistently spending time conversing with the Living God is a profoundly transforming experience.  May we all then learn to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17).

  • Need prayer now? A confidential prayer vine is available to all members in the body with critical needs. If you have an urgent concern please call 408.366.6692 or fill out the form below and click the submit button. You can also use the form below to share your prayer with the pastors or with the PBCC church family through the Worship Guide.
  • Desire prayer with the prayer team on Sundays  The prayer team meets on Sundays, 8:30-9:45 AM, in Room 104 and over Zoom.  Contact Kathy Young for the Zoom link. Or you can also receive prayer in person – there’s always a prayer team available at the front left of the auditorium after each service on Sundays.
  • Intercessory prayer  
    • A team of pray-ers meets virtually every Wednesday morning, 6:30-7:30, to pray for our world, our nation, our communities, our church and those who are suffering.
    • A team of prayers meets in person on the 2nd/4th Sunday mornings at 7 in room 104 at PBCC.
    • ALL are invited to join either of the prayer times. Email Shawn with questions.
  • Heart for prayer? If you have a heart for prayer, consider getting involved in this essential, behind-the-scenes ministry. Email Shawn to see how you can get involved.
  • Moms In Prayer: All moms are invited to join Moms In Prayer, and form prayer groups that pray for their children and schools. Learn to pray the Scriptures into the lives of your children and be a part of God’s plan and purposes. Contact Moms in Prayer for general questions or to find a prayer group that fits you best (K-12 mom, college mom, homeschool mom, etc.).
Please include your contact info if you would like a pastor to follow up with you.