Our Family Values

Our Family Values

Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known

PBCC’s main focus is on knowing Jesus and making him known.  We know Jesus through being attentive to his Spirit and abiding in his Word.  We make Jesus known through living his way on a daily basis.  His way primarily consists of a love that imitates his self-giving love, a love that seeks the good for others ahead of self.  In pursuit of this focus, we have developed 4 family values by which we strive to live and be guided:

  1. Life in the Spirit through grace
    • Ultimately, it is the Spirit who connects us to Jesus, enables us to know him, and empowers us to make him known.
  2. Devotion to the Word
    • This is both devotion to Christ as the Word, and devotion to the revealed Word as found in Scripture.  Everything we do at PBCC revolves around Christ and the Word of God.
  3. Participation in God’s work
    • We are never called to participate for God.  We are always called to participate with God in what He is doing in the world.
  4. Discipleship through relationships
    • At PBCC, we aim to be a discipling community, building relationships with each other as we all journey with Jesus “who is with us always to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

Please enjoy our sermon series covering our family values, explaining what they mean and exploring what they might look like in practice. Please see the below sermons if you would like to learn more!

Want to learn more about our family values? See the What We Believe page!