Message from the Pastors (Page 3)

Message from the Pastors (Page 3)


Doomscrolling is a new term that has come to fore during these Covid times. It refers to our tendency to continue to scroll through news articles full of bad news, despite how saddening, disheartening or depressing the news is. This Doomscrolling is not limited to Covid-related news but it seems that Covid is one of the main culprits! It’s no surprise then that many of us are functioning as people of despair instead of people of Hope. I think many…

Our Great God

1 Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! 2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! 3 For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. 4 In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. 5 The sea is his,…

One Mind

I’ve been reading Philippians over and over again, and a verse keeps coming to mind. Paul says in Philippians 2:2, “make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” What does it mean to be like-minded, to be of one mind? If you’re like me, you’ve thought about this question in the context of current racial tensions and in the context of your personal life. I was going to write…

Faithful Co-Laborers

Jerry Tu will be continuing our series in Philippians this week focusing on the character of Paul’s colleagues, Timothy and Epaphroditus. Here is his message to us. In our journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we explored the glorious Christ Hymn in Phil 2:5-11 that illustrated Jesus’ divinity and humanity. This week, we look at two faithful servants of the Lord that truly followed the example of Jesus from the Christ Hymn.  They were compassionate and committed, submissive and…

Shining Like Stars

This week we’ll see Paul call the Philippian church to shine like stars in the midst of a twisted and broken world. It seems an overwhelming task until we realize that it is God at work in us who provides both the desire and the ability to do so. The call is, therefore, to participate in the work that God is doing in and through us. So what would it look like for us to shine like stars in our…

Blind Like Me

When I was in high school I read a book called “Black Like Me”. The book is about a white journalist who temporarily has his skin darkened to experience the realities of what it was like to live a black man’s life in the segregated South. The book resonated with me recalling experiences I had as a young boy moving from a South Texas Hispanic community to the Bay Area. Looking back as a grown man, I can now see…

A Day to Remember

What comes up for you as you think about Father’s Day? Do you think about your relationship with your dad? As a father yourself, do you reflect on your relationships with your kids? As a wife, do you think about the kind of dad your kids have? Do you have someone you consider a spiritual father? Do you wonder who your biological father is, if you haven’t met him? There is much reason to celebrate on Father’s Day, and it’s…

A Different Kind of God

We continue our studies this Sunday in the book of Philippians. And, we come to holy ground. In this text, known as a hymn to Christ, we find a different kind of God. Into a world where “gods” are expected to use absolute power, power to advance themselves and power to exploit others, we find these extraordinary words. Here, we find a God who seeks to not advantage himself, but to humble himself in obedient servanthood. This God becomes defined by a cradle, a cloth…

This Jesus

Light can devour the darkness but darkness cannot consume the light. Lately the world has been on fire. Darkness, sadness, pain is all around. Maybe God is just revealing what has always been? Maybe we have been lulled into believing, things are better; life is better; we are better. Not! Right now all is awry. The curtain is drawn, and we are seeing reality: a broken, fragile, hurting world. Pain, injustice and tragedy are front and center. You can’t escape…

Unity! Unity! Unity!

As we return to Paul’s friendship letter to the Philippian church, we see Paul asking for just one thing from them – Unity! In an individualistic society, we highly value our right to our own opinion and we definitely don’t want to be brainwashed. So what is this Unity? Is it even possible? And if it is possible, is it even something we want?

The Rock

I love backpacking around Lake Tahoe, especially in the Desolation Wilderness where this picture was taken (Aloha Lake).  I love this picture because it reminds me that God is our rock.  He is an unchanging, solid foundation with a proven track-record.  As he was faithful in the past, so he will be faithful today and on into the future.  “He is the rock eternal.” This is one thing I’m learning by studying the Gospel of John.  Jesus is revealing to…

Where does your help come from?

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about helping. How do we help our kids understand and process what’s going on in their world today, (especially when the adults, myself included, don’t always know the right words to say)? In our “virtual” Sunday School class on Sunday, I asked the kids, “What is our job in the kingdom of Heaven?” and amidst the answers of “tell others about Jesus”, “be a good friend”, “help out around the house”, one student…