Online Resources for Biblical Studies
-Bernard Bell
English Versions (official sites): NASB, NIV, TNIV, NRSV, ESV, HCSB, NLT, NET.
Multiple Versions: StudyLight, BibleGateway, The Unbound Bible,, Blue Letter Bible.
Other Versions: Vulgate, Tyndale House Unicode texts (MT, LXX, GNT).
Audio files: Hebrew Bible.
Commercial Bible Software: for PC: BibleWorks, Logos, Online Bible; for Mac: Accordance, Online Bible.
Other software: Mellel, Bookends.
I use Accordance, Mellel and Bookends (all for MacOS X).
E-books: CCEL (Christian Classics Ethereal Library), Project Gutenberg.
Online study sites: Biblical Training (Wm Mounce).
Academic resources: Biblical Studies on the Web (BSW), Biblical, iTanakh, N.T. Wright (unoffical page), Tyndale House links page.
Online journals: Biblica, Kerux, Neotestamentica.
Liturgical resources: Book of Common Prayer, Revised Common Lectionary, Thesaurus Precum Latinarum (Treasury of Latin Prayers).
Hymns: CyberHymnal (formerly CyberHymnal), CCEL Hymns, CCEH (Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary: tunes only), Oremus Hymnal (old site), RUF Hymnbook, CPDL (Choral Public Domain Library), Indelible Grace, Sovereign Grace Music.
Photos: Holy Land Photos (Dr Carl Rasmussen, Bethel Seminary), (commercial product: Pictorial Library of Bible Lands, a 10-CD collection of high-quality images; the best available), NASA Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth.
Background: Internet Ancient History Sourcebook, Perseus Digital Library, Ancient Near, Livius.
Maps: AWMC (Ancient World Mapping Center).
Fonts (Unicode): SBL, SIL (Charis, Doulos, Gentium; Ezra SIL), Tyndale House, Junicode, Linguists’ Software.
Museums: British Museum (London), Louvre (Paris), Pergamon Museum (Berlin), Israel Museum (Jerusalem), The Semitic Museum at Harvard University.
Art: CGFA (anyone know where this is now hosted?), ChristusRex, Web Gallery of Art, The Text This Week (follows RCL), Biblical Art on the WWW.
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias: Catholic Encyclopedia (1917), Encyclopedia Britannica, Jewish Encyclopedia (1901-06), Wikipedia.