A Window into His Plan

A Window into His Plan

As I was preparing last week for the Easter service in my music room, I took a break to gaze out of one of my two windows. From my second story lofty view, way off in the distance, I could see the hills that I once was able to cycle in freely. It was at that moment that I felt, for the first time, an ache within me for how different things have become in a very short period. Staring through the window at a world now filled with so many restrictions and boundaries was very disheartening. 

It was then that the Lord slowly began to speak to my heart. What came to me in the next moment was Jeremiah 29:11- “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” He has a plan and in it He reminded me of a few things I’d like to share with you.

He reminded me that 4 weeks prior to this pandemic, my wife and I had the windows in our house replaced because the old windows were so clouded that we couldn’t even see through them at all. Now after 12 years of foggy windows, our view is crystal clear! He knew of our future need and it was in His plan for us to have them at this time.

He reminded me that 6 months ago, the music room from which I lead Sunday service now didn’t even exist. He knew of my future need and it was in His plan for me to have a place to do this from home. 

He reminded me that the sermon passages that are being taught now during our time of quarantine, are perfectly suited for what we are experiencing…but were chosen months ago. He knew of our future need and it was in His plan for us to hear them. The list of reminders of the plans God had in motion long before we even knew of our need goes on and on.

As I continue to look out my window every morning, I’m seeing more clearly that God knows the plans He has for us. They are not our plans, they are His, and they are meant to give us hope and a future, even in the middle of a global pandemic.

Isaiah 43:19 reminds us of this … Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

When we consider all the Lord is doing and has done to prepare our way for a new thing, how can we not be overwhelmed at the magnitude of His love for us? We have no use for cloudy windows when the window into His plan is crystal clear and is an exceedingly better view.