Young Adult Retreats

Young Adult Retreats

2016 – Pat Harrison – Living Incarnationally:

How the incarnation of Jesus sets the example for our daily lives Young Adults Ranch Retreat June 23-26, 2016

Booklet:PBCC Young Adults Retreat at the Ranch 2016
Friday night:Incarnation: strategy that changes the world
Saturday morning:Friendship & Presence that changes the world
Saturday night:Hospitality that changes the world
Sunday morning:Silence that changes the world

2015 – Bernard Bell –  Coram Deo: Before the Face of God.

Discovering Our Identity: Who is God? Who am I?


Friday morning:Eternal God & Created Humans
Friday evening:Holy God & Sinful People
Saturday morning:Loving Father & Adopted Sons/Daughters
Saturday evening:Proud Father & Glorified Sons/Daughters