Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study

Welcome to PBCC Women’s Bible Study, where women of various ages and stages gather together in small groups to study and share lives together.  It is a wonderful way to connect with one another and to grow together as the body of Christ.

We are on break for the summer but we will be resuming in the fall studying the book of Numbers.  

Why Numbers, you might ask?  To answer that, we have to go back three years to our study of the book of Revelation.  If you were with us, you might remember the woman in the wilderness who was being kept safe by God while the dragon mounted all sorts of attacks on her and then went after her children.  It was a very vivid imagery of God’s tender care for his people facing all kinds of persecution and suffering on account of their faith. Now, you might also remember another woman in the wilderness – the prostitute called Babylon the Great who represents all the temptations that God’s people face to go after other gods. 

So, the wilderness is the place where God’s people experience his grace and faithfulness one moment, yet the next moment find ourselves face to face with the incredible allure of all kinds of gods calling out to us to switch our allegiance and worship other gods. 

We spent the last two years studying Romans, the wonderful gospel that liberates us to a transformed life in Christ.  And this good news calls us to respond in “obedience that comes from faith.”  As we journey with the Israelites through the stories in Numbers, we will be seeing a reflection of our own journey of obedience that comes from faith.  

Numbers (when you take out all the numbers!) is full of stories. Stories of disappointments, failures, and doubts.  Stories of faith and victory. Stories that encourage, warn, convict, and sustain us through our own wilderness journeys.  But most importantly, they are stories reminding us of God’s chesed love and covenant faithfulness to his people.  And as we see ourselves in God’s bigger story, we hope to share our own stories with one another so that we can mutually encourage one another on our walk.

We left Paul at the end of our study in Romans as he was eagerly preparing to go to Spain, which was uncharted territory for him.  The book of Numbers may be uncharted territory for many of us, but we are eagerly anticipating how God will meet us there and travel with us on along the way!  So we invite you to join us.  Registration will begin in mid-August. In the meantime, please check out Jeremy Jones’ performance on Paul’s letter to the Romans

Here are some additional resources from last year’s study:

Romans Handout

WBS Kickoff Video Plus Romans 1-4 by Jeremy Jones

Romans 5-8 by Jeremy Jones

Romans 2023 Kickoff plus Romans 9-11 performance by Jeremy Jones

Romans 2024 Finale performance by Jeremy Jones

For any questions, please email Esther Paaske or Hae-Rin Kwon.